An inner voice.

The voice
There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
"I feel this is right for me, I know that this is wrong."
No teacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What's right for you--just listen to
The voice that speaks inside."


She talks to herself a lot. Certain people told her that whenever someone is talking alone, that someone is crazy.
And certain people told her that they do that too, talking with a cat. 
Dude, that's not talking alone. At least, you're talking with living thing.
But she knows her own self, she's not crazy. 
It's only her and an inner voice throwing out their thoughts.
Sometimes, she closes her room door, imagining there's someone infront of her. Then automatically, she will speak out loud with someone in her head. It is weird? Please answer her.
Sangat seronok.
Sometimes she feels like she has mental illness, but sometimes she thinks that it's normal. 
Honestly, she'll never tell anyone about this. People probably (or definitely) will say that she's crazy.
Or they will say that she ought to meet the phychiatrist. 
Well, she doesn't think she needs to go to the phychiatrist, only because she talks to her own self a looot.
Emm, maybe she needs someone to talk? Perhaps.
The good thing is, she never talks alone in the public. If she did that, she's totally believe yang dia akan gali itu lubang sampai pusat bumi.
She talks a lot to herself. Sometimes she becomes a chef and the other half of her is becoming a culinary's student. She teaches the other half of her a lot, advicing about how to cook spaghetti perfectly and so on. 

"You don't only have physical, you have soul. You have another self, that's why you have dream. It's not wrong to communicate with yourself"

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Seorang manusia seperti anda yang menghirup oksigen dan menghembuskan karbon dioksida. Kita sama sahaja.


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